In the Courtroom, Experience Matters.

Mary Beth Kur has 32 Years of Extensive Trial Experience.

Whether you have pending criminal charges or want your past record erased, we do our very best to help our clients like you who have found themselves involved in the court system. Our office is conveniently located directly across the street from the courthouse and the Emmet County jail. You can count on Mary Beth Kur to have your back, to give you sound advice, and to be your advocate in the courtroom.

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Expungement-Are You a Candidate?

Mary Beth Kur is a statewide expert in expungements—Michigan’s new “clean slate law” now allows millions, who were formerly unable, to wipe their criminal records completely clean. Take our free eligibility quiz below to determine whether you’re a candidate for expungement.


Experience The Power of A Fresh Start

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